Mobile CRM is undoubtedly becoming the future of CRM. Often, Sales people is the only staff who stays outside the office most of the time. They work remotely or use multiple devices to stay connected and always conduct businesses wherever they go.
This means that they need to be able to access customer data from any location and from any device. This is why it's wise to invest in mobile CRM.
Why Mobile CRM
It's a software that is installed on your sales people mobile devices, such as smartphone or tablet. Our data shows that over 85% of our daily customers website visitors / communications are through mobile phone. It shows the importance of mobile devices among staff.
CRM Adoption Rates
The biggest challenge is always the usage rate of the CRM software. Organisation need to ensure that CRM being installed on staff mobile devices are being utilised to the fullest.
According to Forrester, organisations using mobile business apps achieve a 62% increase in usage and adoption of CRM applications.
Boost up Sales
CRM on the go provides sales people with immediate access to key information such as leads / accounts details, products that they are engaging with, collaboration work internally and event a personal feature that enable sales people to directly engage a phone call directly from CRM and instantly being recorded as activity in CRM as phone call.
With all these advanced features, your sales people can spend less time searching for information they need, and more time interacting customers or doing what matter the most for them, doing sales.
If you think your sales people need to equipped them self with this advance feature? Contact us today to find out more about getting Microsoft Dynamics 365 in your mobile.